Hire Robin to Keynote, Moderate
Robin Colner is a popular keynote presenter on all aspects of social media and digital marketing. An entertaining and extremely knowledgeable speaker, Robin frequently presents workshops on the subjects of How Businesses and Professionals Use Social Media to Generate Leads and Sales and How to Use Social Media for Personal Branding and Career Advancement.
She has spoken at national industry conferences, professional associations and executive forums throughout the country.
Attendees rave about Robin’s ability to simplify the most complex marketing concepts. She inspires and empowers them to improve their social media and digital marketing activities.
Robin Colner’s Workshops and Speaking Engagements
Social Media: What’s New, Next and Necessary
Business Council of Westchester
Content Marketing Trends Panel
Public Relations Society of America
Harnessing LinkedIn to Generate Leads
Financial Writers Association
Current Trends in Social Media Marketing
MENG (Marketing Executives Networking Group)
Social Media: What’s New, Next & Absolutely Necessary Keynote
American Marketing Association (Ct. Chapter)
Leveraging LinkedIn for Career Advancement
Benjamin Cardozo Law School Keynote
Social Media Marketing for Professionals
University Club, NYC
Using Social Media for Personal Branding
Public Relations Professionals – PRSA – WF Chapter
Advanced Social Media Marketing for Non-Profits
Not-for-Profit Summits X, XI, XII, XIII
LinkedIn Master Class
Women’s Leadership Institute – Manhattanville College
Social Selling with LinkedIn
Sandler Sales Training Client Workshop
Social Media Tips and Trends
Association of Development Officers
Mastering the Twitterverse Workshop
Stamford Innovation Center
Social Media Roundtable Leader
Hudson Valley Direct Marketing Association
Harnessing the Power of Social Recruiting
Fordham University Keynote Address